Lungy iOS Breathing App

November 2022 release version of Lungy! Video shot by Matthew Town.

Lungy is a new mindful breathing app which responds as you breathe. I started working on Lungy in 2020, just as the first wave of COVID patients were coming into the hospital. It was a very stressful time for everyone, and many patients were given breathing exercises along with a plastic box, called an incentive spirometer, to encourage deep breathing. I noticed often the incentive spirometer would sit by the bedside, whilst the patient would be on their phone – this was the spark that lead to Lungy! I thought if the phone could respond to breathing in some way, breathing exercises could be much more fun and engaging.

This was my first time building an app – I started learning how to write code and create Figma wireframes in the long lockdown evenings after work. After 12 months, I was delighted to have a working prototype of Lungy! I then managed to win some grant funding for my company, Pi-A, to build a small team and finish the first version of Lungy. I’m delighted it’s finally released after 2.5 years and it’s available worldwide on the iOS App Store here.

This page is a record of some of the making-of videos from Lungy’s development. Lungy’s proper website is here with more finished visuals on the Pi-A site.


Lungy breath interaction

Lungy uses the smartphone microphone +/- the camera to respond to breathing. This was the very feature I built in ~June 2020. Above can see SpriteKit visuals responding to the breath in real-time. The green trees aka dandelions use a fractal tree structure that is inspired by the branching of the bronchial tree in the lungs.


Early test of sound generation with AudioKit, visualised with SpriteKit

The audio is also generated and unique each time. The setup is fairly simple, I used AudioKit with a polyphonic synth and a sequencer that plays generated notes from a chosen scale (you can mess around with the sequencer and synth in Settings/Create Music!).


Lottie animation for the launch screen

Touch interactions from first beta (March 2022)

Lungy’s touch interaction


Me giving a quick demo of Lungy