Cellular Alphabet
Cellular Alphabet
Cellular Alphabet
Ishihara Alphabet
Ishihara Alphabet
Ishihara Alphabet
Constellation Alphabet
Constellation Alphabet
Constellation Alphabet
ABC Alphabet

A single object rotates, providing a 3-dimensional notation for the letters of the latin alphabet.

Uses the 'ABC object' by Adam Slowik.

Cellular Alphabet
Cellular Alphabet
Ishihara Alphabet
Ishihara Alphabet
Constellation Alphabet
Constellation Alphabet
ABC Alphabet
Cellular Alphabet
Cellular Alphabet
Ishihara Alphabet
Ishihara Alphabet
Constellation Alphabet
Constellation Alphabet
ABC Alphabet

A single object rotates, providing a 3-dimensional notation for the letters of the latin alphabet.

Uses the 'ABC object' by Adam Slowik.

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